Home Buying

August 18, 2020
Seven Reasons Why You Should Buy a Second Home
Owning a house is great. Owning two houses is even better, isn’t it? If you have the money to invest then buying a second property is a great idea. It’s a great choice for investment and might prove to be rather beneficial in the long run. If you’re thinking about…
Home Buying

August 18, 2020
How Apartment Living Benefits a Busy Lifestyle
The contemporary world is constantly in a rush. We often feel like we’re battling time and that the 24 hours in a day is just not enough. Pretty much everyone in leading an urban lifestyle can relate to this - especially if you’re working in the corporate sector. We barely…
Home Buying

July 15, 2020
Why real estate is a good investment in current times?
There’s a shadow of uncertainty cast over the world ever since the COVID-19 pandemic breaks out last year. The lockdown measures have resulted in a lockdown of the economy. The reliability of the stock market is unpredictable as of now and investors are on a hunt for a safer option.…
Home Buying

June 15, 2020
Should You Give Up on Your Dream Home Plan During COVID-19?
The COVID-19 pandemic took the world by surprise. The economy came to a standstill and all of the sectors are affected by the virus outbreak. The same goes for the real estate market. Property transactions have reduced drastically in the previous months. Anyone who was planning on buying a property…
Home Buying

June 15, 2020
Tips For First Time Home Buyers.
It’s an overwhelming feeling when you’re about to get a hold of your first ever property. There’s no doubt about the fact that it’s a challenging process. There are a lot of things to consider, think through, and evaluate before making a proper decision. It takes quite a lot of…
Home Buying

March 10, 2020
Reside in Your Dream Apartment in Kozhikode
“Home is where the heart is” this is, therefore, a place where you and your loved ones will stay and create some fond memories. Therefore buy a home only after you are sure of everything about it right from the location, to the Builder, cost, facilities available, type of construction,…
Home Buying

March 10, 2020
Selecting your Dwelling Space
We all need our dwelling space in this big world. The place that we can call truly ours and that place comfort us. Home is that cosy space in the world where we all can reside and create beautiful cherished memories. However, finding a home where you are comfortable and…
Home Buying

November 27, 2019
10 Things To Check Before You Buy An Apartment
Living in a city in today’s world, people are often faced with two choices – To rent or to Buy an Apartment. After the initial months of struggle, most urban dwellers realize the fact that you could be investing in an apartment of your own instead of spending money each…
Home Buying

September 9, 2019
Is Big Always Better? What Is The Ideal Size For Your Home?
Often a dilemma that rests upon the head of most potential future homeowners, the perfect sized home has always been a myth. It is impossible to have a universal one measure that is perfect in all senses to all kinds of people. The perfect size of your home or Apartments…© 2021 Crescent Builders | Digital Solutions by Codelattice