There are ways a wardrobe can impress you! How your wardrobe functions matters to you as well!
When you open your wardrobe and find your clothes out of order, you feel it needs a fix. Discipline inside your wardrobe can give you peace of mind. By design, your wardrobe can promote discipline.
The more the members in your family, the bigger the size of the wardrobe. There are varieties of clothes to be stacked up and kept hanging—clothes prone to wrinkles need to be hung.
Think of an ideal wardrobe layout and get it designed. Your wardrobe must have spacious sections to keep different types of clothing. If you have a smaller wardrobe, think of making it versatile by using every inch of it. You also need containers, hangers, hooks, racks and dividers to impressively showcase your clothing and accessories. Once you have a wardrobe with sections for different types of clothing, stack or hang the appropriate clothing in each section but you must regard which ones are used frequently and infrequently. If you keep frequently worn clothes far from your quick reach, you will end up shuffling the whole pieces—an unorganised wardrobe again!
Visibility is key for frequently-worn clothing. Put them where you can see quickly.
Shopping is repetitive. When colours fade in your eyes, you will go for a new pair of clothing. Trends bring in more items to the wardrobe. The same wardrobe has to bear the increasing volume of clothing. Chronic clutter is the result. Periodic revision is needed to decide what to remain and what not. There can be pieces which have to be discarded or donated. Reducing the quantity eases how you organise your wardrobe.
Organising your clothing by type is the most crucial task in maintaining wardrobe discipline. Stack pants in one section and shirts in another. Optimise your space. If the space is not enough, there are two possibilities—either remove unwanted items or you need a bigger wardrobe.
Organise your wardrobe. Do it today and do it every day!