If spine is fine, life is as easy as abc!
Human beings come in all shapes and sizes. Ergonomics works here. Be it mobile or mug, the design must match the size of the palm!
Look at how the word ergonomics formed. Greek words ergos (work) and nomos (natural laws) combined to make it. The branch of science has bigger scope in all these design domains.
Let’s take car as an example. Car makers must make sure that even the tallest and the smallest person can comfortably be in the driving seat with a full view dashboard and road. As usual ergonomics is both science and an art.
Ergonomics at home
Remote working became common. Homes have turned into both- sleep and work. Sedentary lifestyle is a part of many professions. Ergonomically designed chairs can lessen the strain on your lower back. The chairs come with adjustable seat height, seat depth, lumbar support, adaptable armrest and many more. Ergonomics works like magic to sustain health. Right posture is reduced risk for those who are bound to sedentary life. Overall, life is longer than work.
Top tips
Place furniture in such a way that easy movement and navigation is possible. The furniture must be at least 50cm away from each other.
Let feet be in healthy mode. Ergonomic lounge chairs, mattresses, pillows, and workstations ensure proper posture and blood circulation.
Customize furniture keeping user’s height, weight, and age in mind. Ergonomics has gone far to provide the comfy furniture.
Style and substance come combined in almost all products. People cannot compromise on style and get substance only. Manufacturers have this fact in view. Be it calculator or car, everything takes shape in line with the flexibility of human body.