The right lighting can make spaces appear larger, calmer and brighter. Hence lighting is an integral aspect to consider while you try and build a home or Apartments. That chandelier you fell in love with may not be the perfect fit for your dining room. How do you know the best way to light up spaces? Here are a number of tips to help you understand just how you can plan and go ahead with the lighting options in your Home. Read ahead to know more!
- Consider the ceiling height
The most important factor to consider while lighting rooms is the floor to ceiling height. A low ceiling room will be best decorated with cove lighting with inset lamps while a double heightened room may be just the perfect place for a modern chandelier. Lights that are placed without considering the ceiling height may end up too high or low, killing the aesthetic completeness of the house.
- Light up the stairs
Lighting up the stairs are both great to look at and also useful as these lights will guide you in the dark preventing accidents of any sort. You can either embed lights in the risers or light them with strips on the side based on the shape and design of your stairway.
- Ambient lighting
In the bedrooms as well as living rooms, providing ambient lighting options are critical to set the mood. Cove lights can be used in warmer shades of off-white to give off a calming effect. They will not only give your room a gentle glow, cove lighted spaces are proven to be more aesthetically pleasing as well.
- Accent lighting
Another key element to making use of is accent lighting. They can be in the form of table lamps, wall washers, reading lights and spotlights. Use them to accentuate that corner next to the sofa in the form of an elegant and modern standing light. Light up that picture frame in the center of the wall. You can even add wall washers to a free-standing wall to have a dramatic effect on the overall room.
- Plan furniture
If you would like a table hanging light above your dining table, plan the length according to the spacing and the fixture you would like to use in order to round off to a good number like 3 in a room. The same goes for living rooms where you would like to place a chandelier or an antique table lamp. Placement can be the key to such instances.
Lighting is a world of possibilities where every minimalist, modernist or classicist will find true justice. Explore to the best of your abilities, use the expert knowledge of your Interior Designing expert and choose the perfect lighting options for your home! We wish you all the best!