We are lucky to be living in an age where comfort is simply a few clicks away. Be it at home or office, there are several ways that electric appliances and technology can make your day easier. However, are you being a good global citizen by using energy-efficient technology in your daily life? Do you want to take little steps to ensure your Home is energy efficient? Read ahead for some easy tricks to make your home more energy-efficient.
Reduce the air-conditioning
Research shows that reducing the temperature on your air-conditioning module by a couple of degrees can save up to 15% of energy every year. You will also get a monthly bill lower than usual. It is also important to take care that you buy an air-conditioning system with a better power rating so that more energy-saving can occur.
Install low flow showerheads and flow regulators on kitchen taps
Low flow showerheads save a lot of water and improve the efficiency of your home’s water supply. They usually have a flow rate which is less than 2.5 gallons per minute which is almost half that of the normal flow rate. Be a good earthling!
Compost Pile
Every home is a source of waste generation. Reducing the waste at your home or Apartments may not change the world but it is definitely a step towards the betterment of the future. There are compost kits available for anyone with a backyard to start their own pit. You can generate your own biogas as well as manure to give back to the earth if you install a pit. You can even try to create a miniature compost pit in an airtight jar with vegetable and fruit waste if you do not have a backyard facility.
Reduce your water use
The classic steps to be water efficient include turning off any and every unnecessary water flow such as during brushing, cleaning, shaving or bathing. Laundry is another area where water use can be reduced by using a better energy-efficient machine. Run the machine only when the load is full and save some water. Using the dishwasher for washing plates in the kitchen reduce water use as well.
Replace Incandescent Bulbs
Incandescent bulbs have been away from the manufacturing industry for almost 5 years. However, the households that use them are still very present. These lamps drain out energy while giving a far less efficient output as compared to those that are CFLs, Halogen and LED bulbs. These new designs of bulbs made from the relevant technology, not only reduces your electricity load but also lasts a lot longer. Make sure that your home is lit with these CFLs or LED and not incandescent ones!
Install solar heaters
Solar heaters are a great innovation for places that are in the topical heat region such as Kerala. Using the solar heater will save energy while providing plenty of hot water for your bath. These heaters will require a terrace space to be placed and can even save energy and run during the times when the sun is down as well. What an innovation!
Unplug chargers that are not in use
Studies show that chargers do take up energy while being unused but plugged into the socket and cumulatively, the power loss could be large. Make sure you leave them unplugged when they are not in use.
We hope we have provided you with a few almost effortless tips to make your home energy-efficient and eco-friendly! Follow us on social media and keep watching this space for more tips that are highly relevant to your home.